Selling Or Selling Smart?

A salesman sells his wares door to door in a huge high-rise building. He knocks on a young man’s door and asks him: “Would you like to…

The Teacher Refused To Accept The Exam Paper But…

A group of students are taking their end-of-year exams. The beady-eyed old moderator at the head of the class stares at the clock at the end of…

People Forget When They Get Old

There was an old couple. … they noticed that they were getting more and more forgetful and decided to go to the doctor. The doctor told them…

His Wife Wasn’t Expecting A Chihuahua

A couple decides that they need a guard dog. The husband goes to a pet store and says to the clerk, “I need a guard dog to…

God Answers The Man’s Prayer

A man was praying in church. He looks up to the sky and says, “God, can you answer one question for me?” “Sure, my son,” God says,…

Old Dog And Its Neighbor

An old, tired looking dog walks into a man’s yard. The man checks the dog’s collar, feels its well-fed belly, and realizes that the dog has a…

The Shame Of Two American Friends

Two Americans are on a tour of Europe and are scheduled to arrive in France on Sunday afternoon. But they arrived a few hours early and have…

Husband Gets Angry With The Pharmacist

When we arrived home, looking forward to a pleasant evening. … the husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. “It’s the pharmacist – he…

Old Woman’s Words

A highway patrol officer stopped an elderly woman for driving 10 mph on the highway. As he walked up to the old woman’s car, he noticed that…

More Than Chili Peppers

A man sits down in a diner and asks for a bowl of hot chili. The waitress says, “I’m sorry, but the man next to you had…