The Teacher Refused To Accept The Exam Paper But…

A group of students are taking their end-of-year exams. The beady-eyed old moderator at the head of the class stares at the clock at the end of the room as the students furiously scribble the rest of their answers, knowing that time is running out. Minutes later, the clock struck a new hour and the exam was over.

“TIME’S UP!” the grumpy invigilator shouted, “Please put your papers in the pile on my desk.” The students quietly stood up, breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly shoved their papers into a pile as they left the classroom. All except one boy who was still finishing his last answer. He had finished 20 seconds later than the rest of his classmates, but as he stood up to put his paper on the pile, the old man motioned for him to stop. “Too late,” the old man sneered, “you should have handed in your homework earlier. The student’s mouth dropped open. This was not fair. “Hey, come on, I should be allowed to turn this in,” he stammered for a moment. The old man still refused. Then the student said smugly, “Do you know who I am?”

The old man looked at him over his glasses, almost stunned by the stupid boy’s smug attitude. “No, I don’t,” the moderator replied. The student then said, “Good,” shoved his paper in the middle of the pile, and ran out of the room.

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