A Married Couple Kept Farting Horribly in Bed

The husband in a married couple kept farting horribly in bed, for years, it was terrible.

His wife suffered greatly and kept nagging him to do something about his indigestion, often saying, “One day, Trevor, your horrible farting is going toforce your guts right out!” The husband only made fun of this feeling very macho.

Until one Christmas day the wife was gutting a turkey for Christmas dinner and had an idea… She took the intestines out and placed them quietly in her sleeping husband’s bed, under the covers. She couldn’t wait for the husband to wake up – and sure enough, in about one hour, Trevor, all white and shaky, came down the stairs: “Mary, by Golly you were right! !”That horrible farting did force my guts out! But with the help of our Lord and these two fingers, I set everything right again

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