My Son Urgently Asked Me to Come Home as He Was Scared for His Mom – My World Collapsed When I Entered the House

Steve begins his day like any other — nothing out of the ordinary, just a man saying goodbye to his wife as he leaves for work.

But as the day moves on, he receives urgent calls and texts from his son. When he gets home, nothing is as it seems. Now, there’s a strange man in his house, a pregnant wife with a baby that may not be his, and a crying son. What does it all mean?The day started like any other. My wife, three months pregnant, kissed me goodbye as I left for work, her smile as reassuring as the morning sun. “I’ll cook when I get home,” I told her. “Don’t worry about it.”

Laura worked from home, so I knew that she was going to get our son, Jackson, ready for school and out the door before heading back to bed. There she would read a book and have her morning cup of tea before logging onto work.I worked through the day, approving marketing strategies and listening to presentations, all the while thinking of baby names for the little tot we were going to meet in a few months. But as the office clock ticked past two, my phone vibrated insistently. Glancing at the screen, I saw my son’s name flashing. I was in a meeting, which was in full swing, so I had no choice but to silence his call.

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