Husband Gets Angry With The Pharmacist

When we arrived home, looking forward to a pleasant evening. … the husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. “It’s the pharmacist – he insulted me on the phone this morning,” she said in tears. The husband immediately went downtown, caught the pharmacist, and demanded that he apologize.

Before he could get out a word or two, the pharmacist said to him: “Now listen to my side of the story. The alarm didn’t go off this morning, so I woke up late. I rushed out to the car without breakfast, but damned if I didn’t lock up when I had the keys to the house and the car. I had to break the window to get the keys.

“I got a speeding ticket for going a little too fast, and then I got a flat tire about three blocks from the store. When I finally got to the store, there were a bunch of people waiting for me to open the store. So I opened the store and started waiting for people, and all the while the damn phone kept ringing. “Then I had to break a roll of coins in the cash drawer to make change, and all the coins spilled out on the floor. I got down on my hands and knees to pick up the coins – the phone was still ringing – and when I got up, I hit my head on the open cash drawer, which sent me stumbling into a display case full of perfume bottles, half of which hit the floor and broke.” “The phone kept ringing and ringing and finally I went back to answer it. It was your wife – she wanted to know how to use a rectal thermometer. Sir, I told her!”

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