Newborn Baby Cries All Day No Matter What Parents Do, after a While They Check His Crib – Story of the Day

Walter returns home from work to find his baby son crying.

His wife has tried everything to quiet their son, but nothing works. Walter decides to check the crib and is shocked by what he finds there.An ear-splitting wail echoed through the house as Walter entered from the garage. His wife, Abby, sat in the kitchen, and by the distressed look on her face, he knew Logan’s cries were bothering her again. “Oh, honey,” he says and hugs her from behind. “How long has he been crying like that?” “I’ve tried everything, Walter!” Abby broke down into sobs. “He’s been fed, changed, bathed, and burped! I even took his temperature! I don’t know what to do now. He keeps crying!”

After becoming parents a month ago, everything in the couple’s lives changed. And if there was something that really distressed Walter, it was Logan’s cries.”Come, we’ll figure this out together,” Walter said and took Abby to Logan’s room. He cheerfully approached Logan’s crib. But all he saw in the crib was a dictaphone and a note. Walter pressed the stop button on the dictaphone, and Logan’s cries stopped. “What did you do?” Abby called from behind. Walter wasn’t listening. He held the note and zoned out. It wasn’t until Abby snatched the note from his hand and opened it that he realized what had occurred. “I warned you that you’d regret being rude to me. If you want to see your baby again, leave $200,000 in the luggage storage lockers near the pier. If you go to the police, you’ll never see him again.”

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