Pregnant Wife Sees Best Friend’s Message on Husband’s Phone: ‘You Haven’t Told Her about Us?’

One morning, OP was up with her ill three-year-old when one of her husband’s alarms rang. He generally sets a few of them before waking up, and she took the opportunity of turning it off. When she glanced over the phone, she saw a text from her best friend that said, “I’m assuming since there hasn’t been an angry pregnant lady on my doorstep, you haven’t told her about us yet?”

She couldn’t believe her eyes, but she needed to find out what was going on, so she snatched his phone and read their communications, only to discover that her husband had been cheating with her childhood best friend for four months. The OP resolved to tackle the matter in the best way she knew how.

Unlike some people who would know exactly what to do in such a case, the anonymous Reddit poster admitted that she didn’t know how to proceed. She pretended nothing had happened for a few days after finding out. She remained a supportive wife, asking about her husband’s day. OP also prevented her children from suspecting anything. What was more perplexing was that her husband and closest friend never showed displays of affection or gave her reason to believe they were having an affair. During this emotional turmoil, the mother couldn’t get her head around losing her father and watching her family disintegrate. She postponed telling her husband so that they might at least have one tranquil day before everything fell apart. She promised never to speak to her best friend again and was unconcerned about the reason for her treachery. “After today, I will cut her out of my life like she never mattered at all,” she decided.

Unlike some people who would know exactly what to do in such a case, the anonymous Reddit poster admitted that she didn’t know how to proceed. She pretended nothing had happened for a few days after finding out. She remained a supportive wife, asking about her husband’s day. OP also prevented her children from suspecting anything. What was more perplexing was that her husband and closest friend never showed displays of affection or gave her reason to believe they were having an affair. During this emotional turmoil, the mother couldn’t get her head around losing her father and watching her family disintegrate. She postponed telling her husband so that they might at least have one tranquil day before everything fell apart.

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