Sharing bed with your parents – A trauma we often don’t talk about

This is a taboo topic and we often don’t talk about.

I remember I was 6 yr old a guy in school came to class and was telling us how he woke up in the middle of night, and saw his parents naked beside him in bed . He just acted he was asleep and witnessed the entire act happening beside him. As a 6 yr old kid we didn’t even understand what he is talking about and kinda ignored him. It was only when I became an adult I understood what he was talking about and now shudder to think how almost all Indian kids share their bed with their parents due to extra protective parenting style and also financial constraints where a family can’t afford another seperate bedroom for their kids. Luckily for me am the second child and have almost no memories sleeping with parents , was sleeping with my elder brother mostly.

I never talked about this topic with anyone earlier, but thought reddit would be a good platform to discuss this to hear more from people who have had similar experiences and if it had affected them in any negative way. Also people who have witnessed something similar but didn’t let it affect you share how you dealt with it. Edit: Can’t blame the parents here , they come from generation when ‘Privacy’ was an alien word. Just understand the problem, don’t normalise this…respect your privacy and your children’s privacy in future so they don’t need to go through this.

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